Sunday, March 22, 2009

My titles never make sense.

Hey, sorry if I haven't posted in a while EVEN THOUGH NOBODY COMES HERE! But, uh, yeah. I come on almost every day. I would enjoy it if comments came, since I'm basically talking to myself.

-Semper Liber-
(always free)


Carrie said...

Sorry- but LOVE the Latin phrase. I'm taking Latin this year, and it's awesome. Where'd you get it?

Zaniac said...

Semper Liber, what does that mean?

I only know a few Latin words.

Can you teach me a few?

Jillian said...

At my school...ugh...we also take gets sorda boring after a while...especially the Rosetta Stone. I know how u feel about the comment thing...i dont get to many...i have 2 blogs...urs seems cool